On Monday we went to a better place to pick out our pumpkin to carve. We stopped by the store on the way home and picked up the ingredients for pumpkin pie. We made the pie later that day. We carved our pumpkin a few days after that. On Friday we went to Ryan's work because they were doing trick or treating in the battalion hallway. We spent about an hour there, then came home and had dinner and a marathon of The Office.

Today we spent the day being lazy and just relaxing. In the evening, we met up with the Levy's and the Lee's to go on base and go trick or treating. Even though Jax is so young, it was still fun to do the Halloween thing with a kid!
Here's some fun pictures of all the festivities...
The perfect pumpkin
He loved the way the hay/grass felt
Our little family
Daddy and Jax
Taking after their Army daddies!
mmm.... this is delicious
Jax holding his candy!
Mommy, daddy, Jax and Mojo
Cheese :)
Yummy Tootsie Roll!
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