Let me start off by apologizing to anyone who tried to follow my previous link to my Instagram. It isn't working and, for some reason, I can't get it to work properly. But you can still come find me... Just search "Jenna Hansen" and I should come right up!
We're currently visiting my parents and I didn't bring my computer, so until I get back home, enjoy these recent Instagram pictures!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
We've been staying a little busier these days. Jax has preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We meet up with our park friends on Wednesdays. Mondays and Fridays tend to be cleaning/laundry/catching-up-on-life days. We're settling into life as a family of four and getting into a semi-routine that works for us. Let's play iPhone picture catch up, shall we?!
Jax loves his baby sister a whole lot
And he loves to take pictures of himself with my phone
Miss Lexi is so lady-like crossing her feet while nursing :)
Birthday flowers and doughnuts
Relaxing (on a towel, on a table) at the splash park. By the way, that's a pack of raisins next to her... not cigarettes!!
Enjoying the shady outdoors in our backyard. Being outside immediately calms her down. It's kind of awesome.

Daddy's girl. Love.
I was pretty proud of myself last week for having both kids down for a nap at the same time. It was her first time in her crib (she sleep in the pack-n-play in our room) and she napped even longer than Jax did. It hasn't been totally successful every day, but we're getting there. I know that, in the future, it will be a nice break for myself to have them both taking good afternoon naps at the same time!
She loves to look at the mobile and mirror on her swing,
then she falls asleep all crazy twisted.
Shopping at Old Navy... I love how snuggly she is!

More time playing and relaxing the backyard. Enjoying some summertime before it completely slips away.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Dentist Rockstar
I took Jax to the dentist last week. He had been twice in North Carolina, but this was his first time at his new dentist here. They were so great with him and he did SO well. They kept saying how they couldn't believe that he was following directions so well and sitting so still at only 3 years old. At our previous dentist, he had a weak-enameled tooth filled and drilled. He also has a molar that is really rough on the outside that we brush extra well. But the dentist said that his teeth looks perfect right now and that the rough tooth isn't causing any problems at this point!
And how cute is this?!
I hope he smiles that well for school pictures tomorrow!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Big Brother Little Sister
Whenever I'm changing Lexi, Jax likes to come over and talk to her. He uses to cutest little baby voice and says "Hi Lexi, hi pretty girl". It's the sweetest thing. Ever.
She seems to like it too.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Summer Dinner Favorites
I love to cook. Ryan loves to grill. We both love summertime food and we have some staples in our house during the summer. I thought I would share a few with you.
I'm linking to the recipes and using pictures from each of the linked websites. Y'all know I'm terrible at food photography, so I figured that was a better option. Enjoy!
We usually grill our pizzas during the summer, even though this recipe calls for the oven. But really, who wants the oven on when it's 100* outside?! To do it on the grill- Grill one side of the pizza dough until lightly browned. The other side should still be relatively raw. Add toppings to the cooked side. Put the pizza back on the grill, raw side down, and cook until brown and cheese is melted.
Another grilled pizza staple for us is just pesto, caramelized onions, thinly sliced potatoes and fresh mozzarella. Yum and yum!
Again this is a recipe that calls for the oven, but we always grill the kebabs instead. I was a little hesitant about the nectarine salsa because it has a lot of seemingly random ingredients thrown together, but y'all it is SO good. Honestly one of my very favorite things to eat during the summer. Although I usually leave out the jalapenos because I'm a wimp it has to be kid friendly for our Jax. Also, the rub for the chicken is super delish.
Super easy, super yummy. Packed with protein and fiber!
This is another one that seems like it might be a little random, but everything goes together really well. It's mighty tasty. And Jax loves it! Minus the onions... he doesn't like onions in anything.
Let me know if y'all make any of these!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
She's All Smiles
This pretty girl is very into smiling these days...
It makes my mama heart so happy!
PS- I can't tell you how much it kills me that she doesn't have a single bow on in these pictures! Maybe I need to start putting bows on her at home, just in case I take 31413213213 pictures...
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Clowns and Elephants
We took Jax to the circus on Saturday. It was a birthday present for me (my birthday was last week), but it was really more for Jax. It was both his and Ryan's first time. We had a fantastic time!! It was an amazing show.
Afterward, we headed to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and so that I could have a pomegranate margarita. I've been waiting 9 months for one! And by one, I mean 1/4 of one since I'm nursing. But that 1/4 was sooo yummy! I'm a dork and didn't take any pictures at dinner, but here's some circus ones. By the way, Jax looks like he's crying in the last picture. But he wasn't. I'm not sure why it looks like that!

Afterward, we headed to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and so that I could have a pomegranate margarita. I've been waiting 9 months for one! And by one, I mean 1/4 of one since I'm nursing. But that 1/4 was sooo yummy! I'm a dork and didn't take any pictures at dinner, but here's some circus ones. By the way, Jax looks like he's crying in the last picture. But he wasn't. I'm not sure why it looks like that!

Friday, August 10, 2012
Canvas Paintings
For those of you who are on Pinterest, you know that canvas prints or DIY canvas paintings are all the rage. I jumped on the bandwagon this week and we did two different canvas projects for our house.
The first one is for Lexi's room. I've loved this verse since I first heard it while we were trying to get pregnant with Lexi. I've been trying to figure out how to incorporate it into Lexi's room. Once I saw some DIY posts on how to make your own canvas print, I decided that was the perfect solution.
I started by putting some stick-on letters on an 11x14 canvas.
Then I painted over it with my base color. This picture was after one coat. I did a second one after this.
After both coats dried, I peeled the letters off. The paint bled more than I had hoped.
I took a small paintbrush and a contrasting color and painted the letters.
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It's not perfect, but I'm not very crafty so I'm proud of it. And I think it looks perfect in her room!
While I was working on Lexi's canvas, Jax was working on some canvases for his room. It was the same idea as Lexi's, but I used painters tape instead. I put each letter of his name on a different canvas, then let him paint away in colors that match his room. I peeled the tape off and they were done.
I think they turned out pretty cute too! And I'm extra happy because that big, empty wall was driving me nuts! It's still a big wall that doesn't have a lot on it, but at least it's not completely empty anymore!
Monday, August 6, 2012
1 month!
I can't believe Lexi is one month old already! That sure went by fast! The first week(ish) of her life was a little rough. I felt like there were constant things wrong with her, most of which turned out to be more normal than I realized (peely skin, blood in her urine, hardly peeing... it seemed like a never ending list). Add to that the trouble we've had with breastfeeding, plus her inability to gain weight quickly enough, and I was a little bit of a wreck. A few weeks later and most of our problems have now resolved themselves... and I have a happy, healthy, beautiful baby girl that I get to enjoy each day!
A few 1-month stats-
*She nurses on demand and/or every 2-2.5 hours
*She weighs 7 pounds 13 ounces! (Finally gaining weight!)
*She just started smiling at us. I realize it's a bit early, but it has happened at least 5 times, so we know it's for real, even if it doesn't happen every day!
*She loves bath time
*She loves bath time
*She is content in the swing, the bouncer, her car seat and sometimes the floor
*She still likes to lay on her side, although I make sure she's on her back to sleep
*She still wears newborn clothes and diapers, and probably will for awhile
*She is adored by her big brother. He loves to sing to her or get her mimi (pacifier) when she's sad
Happy 1-month, sweet girl!!
Friday, August 3, 2012
I haven't been blogging much because we really haven't had much going on. Soooo... Here's some cuteness to keep you entertained until I figure out what to write about :)
Church a few weeks ago... So sweet.

Squishy-faced smile! She might be tiny and not eat much, but she's obviously content!

Hello bright eyes!

(ps- I never let us leave the house without a bow on her head... So don't think I'm slacking :) these pictures are from our house)
The Mister and the Sister at the splash park a few days ago.

The Mister and the Sister... and the dog, all piled on my lap while nursing. Oy!!

PlayDoh, spaghetti, cheerios. Genius!

My sweet family

Happy Friday!
Church a few weeks ago... So sweet.

Squishy-faced smile! She might be tiny and not eat much, but she's obviously content!

Hello bright eyes!

(ps- I never let us leave the house without a bow on her head... So don't think I'm slacking :) these pictures are from our house)
The Mister and the Sister at the splash park a few days ago.

The Mister and the Sister... and the dog, all piled on my lap while nursing. Oy!!

PlayDoh, spaghetti, cheerios. Genius!

My sweet family

Happy Friday!
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