Now that we are Bay Area residents, I decided it was only appropriate to get ourselves to a Giants baseball game. We bought the tickets for ourselves and my parents, as a birthday present to my mom. Ryan ended up not being able to come because he was out of town for work, but my parents and I took Jax and we had a blast!
We decided to drive 20 minutes to closest BART station, then take that to the city instead of driving all the way in. Jax loved being on the train!

From BART, we got on MUNI (the SF city transit) and it dropped us off in front of the ballpark.

Jax wasn't super intrigued by the game itself. He watched it briefly every now and then, but he mostly climbed around and chowed down on junk food.

He did, however, thoroughly enjoy the music throughout the game. He was a dancing machine, as always!

He got lots of kinds of junk food, including cotton candy. As he was eating it, a piece got stuck on his chin. It looked just like a little goatee. We were cracking up!!

We all had a lot of fun, but it was a loooong day for the little man. On our drive home, he passed out holding his guys, of course. There's nothing sweeter than a sleeping kiddo :)

The Giants ended up beating the defending World Series Champion Cardinals 7-5! It was a very exciting game and we were so excited that they won!
omg was this on Saturday?! We were RIGHT NEXT TO IT! At the pier market