Friday, August 30, 2013

Five on Friday- Fall Edition

Once again I'm linking up with Darci and some other ladies for Five on Friday. 
And this week, my five randoms are all about Fall!
1- I legitimately was going to just list my five favorite pumpkin flavored things and call it a day. 
But I figured that I should keep pumpkin contained to one thing instead of taking up all five randoms. So here ya go--- WHO IS READY FOR PUMPKIN FLAVORED EVERYTHING?! {{Raises hand}} Y'all, I cannot wait to get my hands on a pumpkin spice latte. I had grand plans of picking one up on our way to a park date yesterday, and then I ran out of time. Womp womp. You better believe I'll be hauling my butt to a Starbucks drive through this weekend! And don't forget muffins, and loaves, and coffee creamer, and, and, and...
2- Fall also means football! I was raised in a football household (Go Fresno State Bulldogs! Go Niners!), so I love to turn on a game, grab some snacks and drinks, and relax on the couch (or on the floor with the kids... because they don't exactly like to sit still...). But you wanna hear something so annoying? Hubs doesn't like football. Or baseball. Or any sports, really. How lame is that?? His parents were missionaries and he was raised in Europe, and they don't really care about baseball or football. But I do. In most households, it's the wife that complains about football always being on TV, in our household, it's my husband. He's slowly learning to just deal with it ;)
3- I'm so ready to slip on a pair of jeans, a sweater and some comfy socks. There's something so wonderful about cool weather clothes. And I certainly don't mind that they cover more of my I've-had-two-babies-body!

4- Another Fall favorite? Open windows!! It's still getting to 95+ degrees here every day. So I only get to open our windows early in the morning, and usually have to shut them by 830 or 9am. I cannot wait to have them open all day! Or at least all morning!
5- And finally, one of the best things about Fall is that the holidays are just around the corner. I love love love the holiday season. It's so very magical and I just can't get enough of it!

Don't forget that I'm currently offering a discount code for my Etsy shop!
Use code BLOGGER15 for 15% off of your order!!

Happy Friday!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Stopping by from 5 on Friday! I am so excited for fall too! I want to start decorating already!

  2. Love the menu pic! It might still be hot and overly humid here in FL but I soo cant wait for fall! Best time of the year!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Stopping by from 5 on Friday! Love all of the fall inspiration! Fall can not come quick enough for me, and I'm with you on the fall wardrobe! I love scarves, sweaters, cute boots, the list goes on!

