Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Camera Practice and a Discount Code!

I've been trying to brush up on my big-girl-camera skills. Aka- not my iPhone. 

I've been using this tutorial over at my sweet friend Mandy's blog to help me get better at shooting in manual mode. 

I've been trying to practice over the last few days.

 These pictures are SOOC (Straight out of camera). So no editing. 
Two reasons for this... 1) I want my raw pictures to still look really good, and 2) I don't have any fancy editing software. 
I use free online editing for now, but I decided to just keep these how they are so I have a frame of reference as I learn more. 

(My favorite one!)

Overall, I think they look pretty good! I'm learning a lot and trying to practice as much as possible. After all, practice makes perfect :)


On a completely different note... I've been fairly busy with my new Etsy shop

For a sweet pink and gray baby shower

For a fun superhero birthday party

For a colorful farm themed birthday party

For a cute little ladybug themed birthday party

And to celebrate my shop getting off to a good start, I'm currently offering a discount code for all of you wonderful readers! 
Use code BLOGGER15 to get 15% off of your order!!

((The code will expire on 9/30))
I'm still working on stocking my shop, and I'm doing so by creating a lot of custom orders. So if you can't find something that is already listed, PLEASE email me and I would love to work together to come up with something cute for you!!
Happy hump day!

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