Monday, May 28, 2012

Randoms and Memorial Day

It's been a few weeks since I've done this, so here are some recent iPhone pictures.

I gave Jax a summer buzz cut.

He looks so grown up!

Whole wheat bagel with Nutella. Yum!

Me and my boy on our last Mother's Day with just the two of us. 
Bittersweet! But mostly sweet :)

My mom laughed at me a few days ago because she walked in to see me using my belly as a table. Hey, it's convenient!

LAZY boy watching TV. Ha!

We spent some time cleaning up my parents' backyard in order to get ready for Jax's party (next week... agh!). Jax was such a good helper!

Lexi's crib skirt! I'll post pictures of her nursery once it's done!

We met up with our friends for lunch at Red Robin after church. Sweet Lexi is going to be SO outnumbered by boys!

I hope y'all have a great Memorial Day.
And remember it's not just about swimming and BBQ... Don't forget to take a moment to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives to serve our country.  

In Loving Memory of Nathan Hubbard and the 7 other men from my high school who gave their lives for our country.
Read more HERE.

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