Friday, May 25, 2012

34 Weeks!

Just 6 weeks left! And only 3 weeks until I'm considered full term... so exciting!

We are almost finished with the nursery bedding and I cannot wait to finalize everything in her room. I also need to pack our hospital bags soon. Time is running out!

This week has been boring, but we go to the doctor next week so I can't wait to check her position, hear her heartbeat and see how things are progressing. For now I'm just passing time, hanging out with my sweet boy and enjoying these last few weeks of only having one kiddo. I know that I will never get these precious days back.

Lexi is about 5 pounds and 18 inches this week... that's the size of a small newborn! Crazy! She seems to get the hiccups a lot. As much as I love feeling her move, the hiccups just feel like an annoying muscle twitch and it kinda drives me crazy! Plus, I just feel bad for her that she has them so often. I went to bed with her hiccuping last night and woke up to her hiccuping this morning. Poor girl. I guess it's good practice for her lungs.

Here I am this week

And here is the comparison with Jax (Same shirt again... although it looks like a different color)
 MAN, I looked rough toward the end of Jax's pregnancy. Also, my tummy looks so much bigger with Jax. So strange how different they can be!

1 comment:

  1. ok until this point i thought lexi actually looked bigger, although she was always higher. but now she looks so much smaller! Happy 34 weeks!
