Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I've been fighting some cold or cold/allergies thing for the past few days, so I haven't been doing a whole lot. My mom was here for a few days which was awesome and super helpful! We're slowly making progress on Lexi's bedding. I can't wait to show you guys once it's done!
Here are a few iPhone pictures from the past week or so...

I tried to get a picture of Jax kissing my belly. It didn't work so well. I'll have to have Ryan take one tomorrow for my 32 week post!

We found an awesome new park across the street. Jax loved "riding" these dinosaurs.

We went to our friend Max's pirate themed third birthday party last weekend. Argh!

Relaxing on my birthing ball with my firstborn.
(Side story- Jax saw a picture of a water birth in one of my birthing books and he said "that doesn't look very good!". Ha!!)

More birthing ball fun :)

I saw this swimsuit for Lexi at Old Navy and about died. HOW CUTE is it?!

We've had lots of beautiful weather recently. We took advantage and walked/rode to the park for a picnic on Friday.

I thought Mojo looked so cute with her front paws crossed. All she does is sleep all day!

Yesterday was pretty warm (90*ish) so we made our first, of many, trips to the splash park. The water was super cold but Jax had a blast.

Happy Wednesday, folks!

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