Thursday, May 10, 2012

32 Weeks

Yes, friends... just 8 short weeks until Lexi gets here! 

This week was good because we had a prenatal appointment and that always makes me happy. We discussed more VBAC things and I'm feeling very good about that so far. My doctor seems to think that it is very likely that I will have no problem, and that I will also be able to have the kind of labor experience that I want (no drugs, very little monitoring, freedom to move around and do whatever feels good). Please keep praying that it all actually happens like that!

Lexi measured at 33 weeks, which makes me hopeful that she might come a bit early (I can dream, right?). She is about 4 pounds and 16-17 inches now. Her heartbeat sounded good and Jax got to hold the Doppler to my belly, so he loved that. 

Here I am this morning in all my 32 week glory ;) 

And check out this comparison...

How crazy differently am I carrying them?! Can you see the tiny bump of my belly button in each picture? With Jax it is straight out and with Lexi it is almost pointing up. Insane!

My mom, mother-in-law, and two best friends are hosting my baby shower on Saturday. I'll be sure to post lots of pictures from it. I can't wait!

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