Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's the Holiday Season

 Our neighbors have a huge tree in their front yard, and every year it dumps tons and tons of leaves into our yard. We try to stay on top of it by raking at least once a month, but it seems to never end. Ryan was outside raking the other day and Jax wanted to help. And by help, I obviously mean throw leaves around and make a bigger mess than there was to begin with :) But he was having the time of his life "helping" Daddy rake leaves!

We always put up our Christmas decorations on the weekend after Thanksgiving. Last Sunday we went and bought our tree. Real, of course, because fake trees are just WRONG!  We spent the afternoon drinking hot chocolate, pulling everything out of boxes, and putting all the ornaments on the tree. Jax put about 15 ornaments on two bottom branches. But he was SO proud of himself for doing it. We just moved them around once he wasn't paying attention anymore. Christmas is so exciting this year because Jax is really into it.... which makes it so much more fun for Ryan and I!

Here he is helping Daddy put water in the tree stand

Some kind of crazy face... he makes those a lot!

22 days until Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your live tree! I want to get a real one when the kids get older!
