Saturday, November 26, 2011


I hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving! Ours was quiet and nice with just Hubs, myself and Jax. We can't wait until next holiday season when we are back in California with our families! But in the meantime, I could never let a Christmas season pass me by so we spent today making our house festive. Jax is really excited about Christmas this year so we're already having lots of fun.

Nana sent some Christmas stickers, markers and a coloring book. Jax is obsessed and we've had to limit him to one sticker sheet per day!

While Jax was drawing 2-year-old things, Ryan was drawing this. Nice.

We had a fun Thanksgiving craft and snack at Mommies Group last Tuesday. We do a craft once a month and the kids always love it!

Growing up, we had a Rudolph that lived under our tree. He walked a few steps at a time and sang his theme song. To carry on that tradition, we let Jax pick a musical character to live under our tree. He chose Frosty... And he LOVES him :)

We spent last year in California since Ryan was deployed, so I didn't get to do any of my own Christmas decorating. I forgot about half of the stuff I have. It's been fun to get it all out this year and deck our halls for one last time in our first home!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog i joined
    have a 10 month old he keeps us busy
    when you get a chance check out my blog
