Sunday, October 3, 2010


My sweet Mojo doggy is having surgery on Thursday. I originally posted HERE about her having some urinary issues. After a week of medication, things seemed to be getting worse instead of better. I was pretty unhappy with how Banfield handled everything in the first place so I decided to take her to the vet my parents use. I took her in Saturday morning and they did an ultrasound. They found a stone in her bladder. A pretty big one (for her size- 6lbs) and the only way to fix it is to surgically remove it. I am taking her in first thing on Thursday morning. They will run some tests, prep her, do her surgery then assess her condition. They will make sure she's stable then leave her overnight to recover. The next morning they will re-assess and make sure everything looks good then release her. Her surgery will consist of a large incision in her abdomen, then they will open her bladder and remove the stone. They will test the stone to see what caused it and see what further treatment may be needed. Then they will stitch everything back up. It's pretty major surgery and is apparently very painful

I am having a really hard time with everything. I'm pretty sad and very scared about complications. She's my first baby and I love her a whole lot. I'm trying really hard to lean on the Lord and trust that he will care for her. Please pray with me between now and Thursday. I would also covet your prayers for Thursday during the day while she is in surgery, and the recovery days to follow. I think it's going to be a tough recovery for her. I trust the veterinarian (he's been doing this for 25 years... plus he's a veteran!), but it's still really hard not to worry about Mojo.

Thanks for your love and prayers for my girl!


  1. I sincerely hope all goes well.

    When things like this happen do what most military wifes do.
    "expect the worst & hope for the best" And some where in between is what usally happens.

  2. We want to send our best wishes for Mojo! The pictures are adorable. We hope to see more after a successful surgery!
