Anyway, everything looked fine with Lexi. They strapped me to the heartbeat and contractions monitors, so it was nice to just sit and listen to her sweet heart. I did have some minor contractions, but nothing out of the ordinary for being in my third trimester. Everything else checked out normal and we were sent on our way, fears calmed.
I'm so ready for this chick to be here. I know I still have 10ish weeks, but I'm feeling like I did at the end of my pregnancy with Jax. I'm just super anxious and excited and READY!
Here I am this week...
Getting big!
And here's my boy and his cute belly :)
We're heading to our local farmers' market tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to score some yummy, fresh, local produce. I also have a few recipes that I'll be posting soon.
Happy weekend!
Love both of your belly pics!