I picked Mojo up from the hospital yesterday morning! Everything went smoothly with the surgery and there were no complications. We have to wait for the results from the stone, but besides that everything is good! She has stitches and has to wear a cone for 10-14 days. Poor thing... she looks PATHETIC. And I think she's mad at me :) But of course I know it's for the best and she'll be back to her lovey dovey self in no time. She even managed to still sleep under the covers last night, with her cone! Ha! Thanks so much for your prayers for my girl... I felt a lot of peace about it on Thursday and now everything is good!
On a separate note, my sister-in-law Jenny was induced yesterday! She refused Pitocin so it has been a looooong, slooooow labor. The doctors think that my nephew will be born today, but probably not until tonight. We are all hoping he won't come out until after midnight because then his birthday will be 10-10-10! How fun would that be?! I (and possibly Jax) will be spending this evening at the hospital waiting for this little guy to enter the world. We are all on pins and needles because they've kept his name a secret. We can't wait to find out... and I can't wait to hold a newborn again! I'm just a *little* baby crazy :) I will post pictures as soon as I can. In the meantime, I'm off to the store to stock up their fridge and pantry for when they're home from the hospital. Woo hoo!
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