Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ryker Thomas:: 1 Month and 2 Months

Even though this blog has been all but neglected, I can't let my littlest kiddo grow up without tracking his monthly pictures and developments. I love being able to look back at my other kids' milestones and baby pictures. 

Ryker at 1 month:

-We had a lot of trouble nursing and required the help of a supplement tube (filled with pumped milk) to help him nurse better. He finally got back to birth weight after 3 weeks. Just like his big sister. 

-He slept a lot a first, but towards the end of the month he started being less content to sleep wherever. His favorite place to sleep is on my chest. Of course :)

-He does sleep great at night, though! Usually 1030-430 or 5.

-Wears newborn clothes and graduated to size one diapers right at 1 month old.

-He HATES his carseat and screams wherever we go. It's awful.

Ryker at 2 months:

-Nursing improved immensely. He still gets fidgety and sometimes won't stay latched for long, but he is eating so much better and gaining weight as he should.

-He's still pretty small... 9lbs14oz (3rd percentile). We just want him to stay on that tiny curve and not move down at all.

-He still hates his carseat, but we have moved the straps up/out a little and took out the infant insert. It seems to have helped a little bit. He only cries about half of the time now. Ha.

-He usually sleeps through the night! The first of my children to do that on their own! He goes to bed after Jax and Lexi, about 830, then wakes up around 5 to eat. He will doze for another hour or so until his siblings wake up and then we are all up for the day around 630. 

-He smiles and makes happy noises when we talk to him.

-He has rolled from back to belly twice, but I think it was more of an accident than anything else.

-He wears 0-3 and 3 month clothes, and size 1 diapers.

I can't believe it is the middle of November and he will be 3 months old in 2 weeks!

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