Monday, March 3, 2014

Weeks 12, 13, and 14 (Baby #3!)

Things are going well so far with my third pregnancy! I'm feeling pretty good overall, although there are times when I feel very blah... like all I want to do is sit on the couch because I just don't feel "normal". But I really can't complain. I have had 3 very easy pregnancies so far, so I'm ok with a little  bit of feeling blah :)

I'm 14 weeks now! Happy to be comfortably in my second trimester... and SO anxious to know what we are having! I'm going to ask my doctor to do a gender ultrasound at my 16 weeks appointment. Pray that she says yes!! If she doesn't want to, we are getting a 3d ultrasound done the next day. I have ZERO patience. I always said that if we had one of each gender, that we would wait to be surprised with the third child... yeah, not so much. I wanna know asap!

Here are my belly pictures from the last few weeks. I'm definitely starting to show!

I hope you have a great week! 
Ryan is off for most of the week, so I'm looking forward to some quality family time for us!