Friday, August 16, 2013

5 on Friday

It's FRIDAY, which means it's time for 5 on Friday with Darci over at The Good Life Blog
So what randomness am I thinking about this week?

1-- Well, we're still recovering from our vacation last weekend. If you missed that post, check it out HERE! I'm already missing Disney and wanting to go back. We are going in June for Jax's 5th birthday (it's a tradition in my family), and we're going with his two best friends who also turn FIVE that month (what??? how are they that old???), but that's still 10 months away. That's a long time!

2-- I've love having a garden outside. Almost everyday I go pick basil and tomatoes, then add some mozzarella and reduced balsamic vinegar, and gobble up my caprese salad for lunch. Bomb dot com y'all!

3-- Jax and Lexi have been playing together so well, most of the time, and I love it so much. When Lexi was first born, Jax was so sad that he couldn't play with her. So now that he can, he is having a grand ol' time. It makes my mama heart so happy. 

4-- I'm still working on getting things made to list in my Etsy shop, and I made this banner for a friend who is hosting a baby shower next week. I love how it turned out! I have quite a few more things that I'm making over the next few weeks, so I'm excited to get those finished and listed!

5-- Ryan did some research about his MBA program and realized that he can actually be finished in December instead of next August! He had extra classes to take for an emphasis in Project Management, but he decided to finish his MBA, then take those classes separately. I'm so excited to have my husband back! He works SO hard and is always going, going, going, so I'm looking forward to having him around a little more!
And I'm adding an extra random thought....
6-- School starts on Monday! I can't believe summer is over, and Jax starts preschool on Monday morning. I'm looking forward to it, and so is he, but I'm gonna miss him!!
Happy Friday, lovely friends!

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from 5 on Friday! Your kids are co cute!! I have a boy and girl as well (3 and 17 months). I completely know what you mean, they're playing together so well..then the next thing you know it all falls apart! Ha! I'm sure we're just getting little glimpses of more moments to come!
