Wednesday, July 24, 2013

PINTEREST {{Commenting Challenge, Day 3}}

Today's topic for Jenna's Commenting Challenge is right up my alley!! It's all about Pinterest and I love me some good pins! 

On day one of the challenge, I talked a little about how much I love Pinterest and how I've done lots of Pinterest projects around the house. 

To see my "Pinterest house", click HERE

I have also used Pinterest for quite a few recipes. I thought today would be a good day to highlight a few of my favorite food pins! Check out my food board HERE, and my sweets board HERE.
{{All of the pictures below are taken directly from the original pin}}

THIS baked pesto chicken is one of our favorite dinners! It's SO easy and SO yummy!

THIS chicken pasta in tomato cream sauce is another favorite meal of ours. It's a take on a Pioneer Woman recipe (and you can't go wrong with that), and again... it's pretty easy and really yummy.

I make THIS salsa all.the.time. Again, it's easy and yummy. Are y'all seeing a theme here?

I have a huge sweet tooth, so I know desserts pretty well and THESE salted caramel butter bars are to die for. They are pretty much just butter, sugar, and flour. Every time I make them, people go CRAZY over them!!!

What are some of your favorite pins???


  1. Oh my! The salted caramel goodies look so good! Anything sweet and salty calls my nams.

    1. SOOO yummy!! You should definitely make them!
