Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Pinterest House

So I'm a terrible decorator. Ryan and I both are. We are in the bad habit of seeing random things we like, buying them, then having no where to put them. Then we end up with random things in random places throughout the house, but nothing "goes together".  

When we bought our new house, we were determined not to let that happen again. I scoured Pinterest for ideas that I liked and we tried to make a plan for each room before we even moved in. That way, we wouldn't end up with a bunch of randomness. So far I think we are doing really well. And there does seem to be one noticeable theme... I steal a lot of ideas from Pinterest

{Pins on the left :: Our house on the right} 

Jax's reading nook

Lexi's crib skirt

Playroom wall

Lexi's bow holder 

 Jax's room letters

Lexi's room letters

Lexi's mobile

Kids' growth chart

Bible verse in Lexi's room

Accent vase in living room

Initials on playroom wall

Bench storage in playroom

Stay tuned for a home tour coming soon!


  1. Love the bookcases in the playroom. Did you use the ones from Ikea?

    1. Yep! The original pin has a whole explanation of how it was done and we just copied it :)

  2. I love it...I want my next house to be a pinterest house!!

    1. Thanks friend! You can always redecorate ;)

  3. I love all of your Pinterest projects! Very nice!

  4. My dream! Doesn't it feel great to be near home and in a house you can decorate?!? I love it!

  5. I love all of these, I recognise some of the originals from Pintrest. I must confess to being slightly jealous of your daughters bow collection! Xx

    1. Thanks! I get a ton from Everything is $4 or less!

  6. Wow you rock!! So many great projects!!

  7. Where did u get the bench in the playroom?
