Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mountain Vacation

We ended up joining Ryan at the last minute for a work trip to the mountains last week. It was about 4 hours away, so we drove up Monday morning and came back Wednesday evening. We drove through Yosemite National Park, and it was a gorgeous, sunny day, so we got to enjoy the beautiful scenery. 

We ended up having a not-so-great time in Mammoth Lakes. It was freezing and windy, and Ryan ended up having to work a lot more than he had expected. So we spent most of our two days there in our hotel room. Which is lame when you have a newly-mobile baby who is crawling all over the nasty floor. Ick. But oh well, such is life. We were just very ready to be home in our own beds. 

Unfortunately, the drive home was rough because Lexi was tired of being cooped up so much. She was crying off and on the entire way. It was a long 4 hours. And to top it off, she now hates sleeping in her crib (since she napped on me and slept in our bed at the hotel), and she immediately flips over and stands on the edge of her crib and cries whenever I put her down. Lesson learned... don't take your newly-sleeping-through-the-night-baby on an overnight trip. Worst. Idea. Ever. 

We had planned on spending Memorial Day Weekend at my parent's cabin (right outside of Yosemite), but with out trip last week, we decided that it would be too much to handle. We decided to just go up for the day on Saturday. We spent time playing games, shooting the bb gun, swinging on the tree swing, and we even rode the Sugar Pine Railroad. It was nice to relax a bit (although, that's a relative word since it's nearly impossible to relax with an 11-month-old crawling around everywhere). 

Overall, we enjoyed the fresh air, beautiful weather, and time spent with family. But I am so glad that we could enjoy the rest of our weekend at home, where Lexi can crawl around without me worrying about what she's crawling on, and Jax can play with whatever his little heart desires. 


  1. Replies
    1. It's Ryan's company car. I still have my Pilot :)

  2. How pretty those pictures are! We are going to the Sugar Pine Railroad on Friday. The boys are CRAZY excited! Next time you go out of town try taking a pack and play...actually most hotels have cribs for their rooms...we usually do that/did that when the boys were babies. I just took my own crib sheets.
