Thursday, May 2, 2013


The weather here has been GORGEOUS! It's been really warm (like mid-90's... in April. What the heck?) so we've been enjoying lots of outside time, playing in the water and enjoying fresh lemonade and ice cream. 


I think I've mentioned this before, but this girl LOVES to drink out of her sippy's. I made her a smoothie and she gulped it down!

Zoo date with our cousins

We finally started a chore chart with Jax. I just made this little page in Word using clip art pictures. He has 4 chores in the morning (empty silverware from the dishwasher, make his bed, brush his teeth, feed Mojo) and one evening chore (pick up everything from his playroom and bedroom). We haven't completely decided what his "reward" will be. We don't necessarily want to give him an allowance for things that he should be doing anyway to contribute to our family. For now our plan is to have him set a goal, like a place he wants to go for dinner or an activity he wants to do, and he gets that if he does his chores for a whole month. We'll see how it goes!

I love this adorable shirt that Ryan bought for Lexi.

Summer weather = water play!

Post-nap snuggles with my girl

This weird kid likes to drink his milk using no hands. Almost-4-year-olds are strange!

Our first pool day of the year. I can't believe it's only April!

Jax and Lexi were "wrestling", which just consisted of Jax laying his head on Lexi's tummy, and Lexi hitting it and cracking up. I love that these two love each other so much!

We have a busy weekend ahead because it's my mom's birthday and she is also graduating from her master's program on Saturday! 
Congrats Mama!!


  1. Looks like you guys had some fun days! Warm weather is so good for the soul!

  2. So nice to see these cute little babies smiling at the front of the camera and playing around. I'm pretty certain that you're having fun days!

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