Thursday, April 18, 2013

A camping we will go...

A few weekends ago we went up to Santa Cruz and went camping with some friends of ours. They brought their nice camper, and we brought our tent and air mattress. And friends, let me tell you...

It. Was. Cold. 

I knew it would be cold at night, and I thought I had packed accordingly. But even with layers of jammies and layers of blankets, we were still really cold at night. Oh well. We survived and still had a great time sitting by the fire, roasting s'mores, and playing at the Beach Boardwalk.

While we were at the Boardwalk, we ran into my aunt, uncle, and their kids, who live 2.5 hours down the coastline. WHAT ARE THE ODDS??

Jax insisted on riding the log ride, and didn't care that he got soaked. Kids are crazy. 

What a difference 8 months makes! 
Also? WHY did I post that terrible picture (on the left) of Lexi on Instagram 8 months ago??

We're already planning our next camping trip with our friends. But this time, we'll be going in August (yay warmth!) and staying by the lake. 

I can't wait!


  1. How fun! I simply love how slap happy Jax is in the pic of him all wet!what a beautiful family!

  2. That picture of Lexi in the tent with the hat is to die for! I just love it!
