Thursday, February 7, 2013

The one about moving home

We are right in the middle of getting everything packed and ready to move home at the end of the month. As long as everything happens on time, we get our keys on March 1st. We are planning on doing a lot of back and forth between now and then, slowly taking loads of stuff down there. We borrowed Ryan's grandpa's truck and trailer so that we can take a big load of things sometime over the next week. 

(Her first time on the swings. She loved it!)

So my days consist of taking things off walls, out of closets and cupboards and into organized piles, boxes and bags. We're not doing a lot of "packing" because it's only 2.5 hours away. After just moving a year ago, I have no desire to completely pack and then unpack all of our belongings. So most things are being transported in piles. Ha!

(He wanted to sit in the baby swings with his sister. Love it.)

Jax has been such a great helper. He keep grabbing things and saying "Oh, we'll take this. I'm gonna pack this" and adding it to a pile. I've been trying to prepare him for leaving, but I don't think he fully understands it all. I've told him that next week will be his last week at school and his response was "Ok, then we will find a new school in Fresno". Which is true, but I don't know that he understands that means we won't see our friends up here anymore. To him, Fresno is always fun and family and good times. That excitement overshadows any sadness he might otherwise be feeling. I've really been praying that the excited doesn't fade as we start to transition and fully move down there.

Overall, we are so excited and SO ready to get this move over with and just be HOME!!!


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog and saw that you are headed to Fresno! That's where we are from originally. We will be headed back end of this year! Hope you like it there, and that your cute little boy likes his new school :)

    1. How fun! Where are y'all right now? We're super excited to be going home! Thanks for stopping by :D

  2. We are in Utah right now for my school. I will graduate in August and we will head back sometime between August and December. And by the way, love the valentines idea! Cute.

  3. Thanks! How exciting that you'll be finishing school! Maybe we'll have to meet up once you get back to the area :)
