Friday, December 7, 2012

Family Pictures

We did family pictures over Thanksgiving and I am in love with them. I wanted to have some for Christmas cards and to replace some frames around the house. They are the first nice pictures we have of our newly-established family of four. 

Here are some of the best ones...

We also did some extended family pictures....


Ryan's side of the family

4 generations of Hansen men

 Stay tuned to see which ones made it on the Christmas card!


  1. These all turned out so cute! Beautiful family

  2. Oh my goodness...they are all so cute! The one on the rocking horse is amazing!

  3. Those are great! I love the one of the kids laying on the ground--so sweet!

  4. These pictures are great - I love the ones of you guys and your kiddos, so cute!

  5. You have a beautiful family! These pictures are amazing :)
