Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a lovely start to our Christmas weekend. We drove down to Fresno on Saturday and did lunch and presents with my mom's side of the family.

 Here's Lexi with my Grandma Carol

And having fun with Nana (my mom)

Jax loved opening presents, of course!

Lexi loved her taggy ball that she got from Grandma Carol

This was the first time in probably at least 5 years that we were able to get everyone together at once. My grandma has been blessed with 4 kids (plus spouses), 8 grandkids (plus spouses), and 4 great-grandkids (so far ;) ). It was great to have all 24 of us together at once!

The next day we ended up staying home from church because Jax has a nasty cough. By the end of that day, Lexi was starting to get sick too. 

On Christmas Eve day, we met Danielle over at Mary's house so that I could see my girls and Jax could see his buddies. I didn't take any pictures, but we had a great time. Mary got bagels and coffee from Panera and the boys had a blast playing outside and making giant messes. We shouldn't have expected anything less! 

Christmas morning was very low key. It was just the four of us, my brother and my parents. Our whole day was overshadowed by the fact that Lexi was progressively getting sicker and had developed a fever and a nasty cough. I didn't open a single present because I was holding her the whole time. 

Jax, however, couldn't wait to open his. I mean, what kid can?

He was THRILLED that Nana and Boppa got him this pirate ship he's been asking for. It's pretty much the only thing he wanted. 

For presents that come from us, we follow the saying "one thing you want, one thing you need, one thing you wear, and one thing you read". This hat and gloves was Jax's "one thing you need" so that we can go to the snow soon!

This goofiness was a stocking stuffer. He loves twisty straws so this was the ultimate!

My dad's parents, one of his sisters, and my cousin came over for presents and an early dinner. We had lots of yummy food and, as is tradition in our family, prime rib for dinner and chocolate roll for dessert. Yum and yum. 

This was how Lexi spent the day. Poor baby girl!

We had intended to stay until Wednesday, but since our kiddos were sick, we ended up driving home Christmas night. Lexi was a mess and I had to sit in the back, squished between two car seats, the whole way home. 

It was nice to be home, but I have spent the last two days holding Lexi and nursing her practically non-stop. She's been sleeping in our bed each night and waking up every two hours. So much for the sleep training that was pretty much accomplished before Christmas! 
Please pray that my sweet girl gets better soon.

And hopefully next year's holidays will be a little more joyful!

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