Monday, July 2, 2012


We headed down to Fresno this weekend for a quick visit and to attend two different parties that we had been invited to. The first was a wedding reception for Ryan's uncle who got married back in May. The second was for Jax's best friend Ben who turned 3 on Saturday. I ended up not taking any pictures the entire weekend. Whoops. So instead, here are some recent iPhone photos!

This is what Jax does most mornings while I get ready. I just love him so much!

He helped Daddy mow the ENTIRE lawn last week!

For Ben's birthday we got him this soccer ball and net. Jax had a complete meltdown that he couldn't keep it for himself. Lucky for him, his Auntie Val sent him some Target money for his birthday. So he was able to get one for himself. He was SO happy about it!

I sit on my birth ball a lot these days. Jax wanted in on the action. Ha! 
(Ignore how large I look!)

He shaves with Daddy every morning. He has his own Toy Story shaving kit. I love sitting in bed and watching my boys. It makes my heart so happy!

We're slowly making progress on our letters. I've been a slacker recently.

Wearing Daddy's glasses. How could you not just eat this little face up?!

This week is full of waiting around for labor to start. I'm really hoping we won't be waiting too much longer. If I haven't had her by Friday, I go to see my doctor again and hopefully I'll have made more progress. 

Happy Monday!


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend!
    Love your pictures, JUST got off my balance ball haha!

  2. The balance ball picture is so adorable!
