Wednesday, July 11, 2012

One Week

Miss Lexi is one week old today! 

She is such a good baby. She only fusses while getting her diaper changed or when she's having trouble latching to eat (which happens a lot, unfortunately). She sleeps 11-6 at night, waking up just once to eat. She likes to be on her side. We thought she was going to roll herself over a few days ago. It didn't happen, but she was close! She is quite the squirmer/mover. I have a feeling she's going to hit her developmental milestones early. Unlike her brother!

Speaking of him, he sure loves his baby sister! He's so sweet with her. He sings to her or shakes a toy for her if she's fussing. He always asks to give her kisses and hold her. He told me the other day that he wants her to stay forever :)

Today is a big day because my mom is heading back home. It's been so great having her here to help and I'm SO sad she's leaving. I'm praying for a smooth transition over the next few days as I adjust to life as a mommy of two!


  1. He wants her to stay forever?! Oh how sweet!
    So gorgeous!!

  2. Congratulations! What a beatutiful little baby!

  3. oh she's just so gorgeous!!!

  4. Just started reading---but how adorable;) Good luck with two at home---it does get easier, you will have good and bad days, trust me! You better get over to and enter our giveaway for an outfit for that sweet baby girl!


  5. Thanks :) And congrats on Lexi being home with you now! She is a doll! I hope to have a sweet baby girl too!

  6. Those pictures are so sweet!!!!!
