Monday, June 25, 2012

Commenting Challenge

I'm once again participating in Jenna's Journey Commenting Challenge. I did it last summer and made a few new blog friends that I've really enjoyed connecting with over the last year.  I love "meeting" new people from all over the country and getting to peek into their lives. I find it fascinating to see how other people live. Plus, connecting with other moms and exchanging thoughts and ideas is always good. For this challenge, the goal is to link up your blog, then find 10 other blogs to comment on per day. 

Today's topic is introductions.
 For those of you who are stopping by for the first time... WELCOME!

My name is Jenna. 
I've been married to my husband Ryan for almost 5 years. He was in the Army for the past 8 years and just got out in April. During our Army time, we lived in North Carolina. We are both originally from central California, so we recently moved back to our home state and are now living in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

We have a hilarious and adorable son named Jax who turned 3 on June 3rd.

 We are expecting our daughter, Lexi, any day now! I'm due in 10 days, so we are anxiously awaiting her arrival. I had a horrible delivery with Jax, so most of my time over the past few months has been focused on educating myself in order to have a natural VBAC with my Little Miss. 

That's me in a nutshell!

To those of you who are here for the first time- thanks for stopping by! Please leave me a comment so that I can come check out your blog too!

And for those of you who visit my blog regularly- I know a lot of you are sneaky followers, so please leave me a comment and say hello!


  1. Stopping by from Jenna's commenting challenge! You have an adorable blog! And you are one cute pregnant lady!

    I'll be praying for a smooth delivery for you! You must be so excited to meet your newest family member!

    It was really nice to "meet" you. By the way, the photo of your son reading the Parenting magazine... priceless! Haha!

  2. visiting from Jenna's Journey! Your son is such a cutie! Hoping you have an easier delivery this time with your newest arrival. I was pregnant last summer and miserable bc of the heat!!

  3. Like your blog :) Coming over from Jenna's Journey

  4. What a cutie you have and you are about to POP in the best way! I can't wait to read more of your blog and get to know you more!

  5. Visiting from Jenna's. Congratulations on your little girl and good luck! My first delivery was pretty bad too (not quite as bad as yours) and I'm hoping for better the next time! Can't wait to see the little one!!!!! I love babies so I LOVE your blog title!

  6. Hi Jenna, I'm visiting from the challenge. You have such a cute blog and your son is adorable! God bless you and your family, Dani

  7. Visiting for Jenna's journey. so good to "meet" you!

  8. Hello! Came over from Jenna's journey. I will be following your blog. I grew up military and have a brother stationed out of Bragg now in afghanistan. I have three little munchkins and a busy busy life. I am a Christian wife mother and friend...

  9. I'm so excited for the linkup this year too! I met so many awesome bloggers last year that way.

  10. Your family is so cute and congrats on your new little girl on the way! I'm stopping by from Jenna's blog and will add you to my reader. Looking forward to reading along.

  11. Found you via Jenna's Journey---and you live in San Francisco---that's one of the places I think I want to live one day (my brother is there right now) and I used to live in NC too (just got back from vacation there actually!). Congratulations on your almost baby---how exciting! Looking forward to reading more!


  12. Stopping over from Jenna's Journey. Oh goodness...I'm 16 weeks pregnant and can't wait till I'm showing more than what appears a food bump. Seeing your bump makes me so excited and naturally a little scared. So weird to think our bodies can do what they do...!

    Good luck with your Little Miss!! :)

  13. Hi Jenna! I found you from Jenna's Journey! Your son is adorable! I can't wait to see your sweet baby girl! I am your 100th follower! ;)

    Building a House of Love

  14. Stopping by from Jenna's Journey. What a precious boy you have and you look adorable! Hope you have an easy delivery this time around!

  15. All the best to you in your upcoming delivery!

  16. I have been a sneaky follower but I love reading your blog. I'm hopeful you'll have a great VBAC! I'm a Neonatal ICU nurse in Kansas so I am very familiar with the scariness of a rough delivery and how awesome VBAC's can be. Good Luck and thanks for sharing the pics and your family :)

  17. Came over from Jenna's Blog :)
    How exiting to be having a sweet baby girl in just 10 days. Praying you have a better delivery ths time around. Your ltitle guy is too cute!!

  18. Visitng from Jenna's Journey. Praying for a safe delivery for your sweet girl!

  19. I too had a complicated delivery with my son and if I'm blessed with more children, would like to have a VBAC. Every time I mention it, my family and friends freak out. I look forward to seeing and reading about your experiance!


  20. Hopped over from Jenna's blog:)

    I have a 21 month old son and I am having our 2nd boy in July, too! You're closer to your due date...I'm a little jealous! Hope you have a better delivery this time with your little girl!

  21. Stopping by from Jenna's blog. Your blog is so precious! I can't wait to follow along and "meet" Lexi when she arrives! Good luck with everything!

  22. I stumbled across your blog via Jenna's comment challenge and have enjoyed reading a few of your posts! I hope your delivery goes well!

