Monday, May 14, 2012

Lexi's Baby Shower!

I had such a fantastic morning on Saturday celebrating the soon-to-happen birth of my Lexi girl. It was a beautiful morning full of lots of chit-chat, laughter, yummy food, and all things girly. 

(I'm so mad at myself because I forgot my camera. I set it next to my purse so that I wouldn't forget it... and then I still forgot it. Grr! So all I had was a tiny point-and-shoot that I borrowed. I tried to edit the pictures and clear them up, but even that was hard. Sorry they aren't the best quality!)

Here are some pictures of the details-

The plates and napkins were so cute! And the fruit display was beautiful! Behind the fruit are two drink dispensers, one with pink lemonade and one with iced coffee.

The dessert table... lemon cupcakes, mini oreo cheesecakes, and orange meringues. Yum.

I loved the favors! They said "We know you will make a lasting impression on Lexi's life", and inside the bag was a stamp. Adorable!

Beautiful flowers in pink tutu vases! (The tutu blends in with the tablecloth)

Here are some of the non-detail pictures :)

My mama (the hostess with the mostest) and I

Best friend hostess #1... Mary and I

Best friend hostess #2... Danielle and I

Playing the "Guess the Poop" game. We had 7 different diapers with melted candy bars in them and everyone had to guess which candy bar was in each one. It was disgusting and HILARIOUS!

Goodies for the little lady

Before I opened presents

(It got pretty warm so I ended up pulling my hair back)

Mary and Dani decided I needed an action shot with my wagon of presents :)

We are so blessed to have such fantastic friends and family who showered us with so much love. I can't wait to finish getting everything set up for Lexi to make her arrival!