Friday, March 30, 2012

26 weeks!

It's the last week of my second trimester! YAY! I'm so excited to be heading into my third trimester next week. Just 3 short months until I can hold my sweet girl.

This week has been a good week. Ryan and Jax have both felt some good kicks, which is fun for both of them. Jax likes to put his hand on my belly and say "Come on, Lexi, kick me". It's pretty darn cute! I've also been able to lay on my side and watch my belly move around. I tried to get it on camera, but it didn't happen. I will try again this week. Maybe I'll get something good!

I've also been focusing more on research about natural child birth. I have 2 books I've started reading that I'm hoping will prepare me. (Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and Gentle Birth Choices). After my horrible experience with Jax, I would like to have a natural birth with as little intervention as possible. I plan to labor at home as long as I can, then head to the hospital to deliver. I actually want to do it completely at home, but because it will be a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), I feel safer in the hospital. 

If ya'll wouldn't mind, could you pray for these specific things for us over the next few months?
-My new doctor will be willing to work with me about a VBAC
-Lexi will be head down and drop (Jax never did)
-Labor will start on its own
-Things will progress quickly and normally
-I will have the strength and stamina to go without drugs
-She will come out naturally, vaginally, and completely healthy!

Thanks, guys!

On to pictures.... Here I am at 26 weeks.

Here is the comparison with Jax
It's funny because I feel like I look smaller this week. It must just be my shirt. 
Notice how I've also learned how to edit pictures since having Jax. Ha!

Jax wanted to take my picture too. He did a good job! Even though it's just a little close...

And here is my sweet boy... he's so excited to be a big brother!

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