Thursday, February 9, 2012

Road Trip: Oklahoma to Nevada

After we left Oklahoma City we headed  toward Texas. First we stopped at the Route 66 Museum to take a look around. It was pretty cool to see the memorabilia and imagine what things were like when everyone drove that road! 

Next we made it to the Texas border

And for the next 12374328761632 miles, this was my view. BUT, it actually was a beautiful day, so I'm not complaining!

And whenever I turned around, this is what I saw. Not a bad view ;)

After Texas was New Mexico.

 It was such beautiful landscape, and such a change from Oklahoma and Texas!

We ended up combining two days into one, so instead of stopping in NM we drove all the way through to Flagstaff, Arizona. It was a looooong 12+ hours of driving but I'm so glad we decided to push through and shorten our trip by a day. 

Did ya'll know that Flagstaff is at 8000 feet?? I did not know that! It reminded me of a Colorado ski town (not that I've ever been to a Colorado ski town). It was beautiful! Our hotel was like a lodge and there was even some snow on the ground. Jax loved that part!

The next morning we ventured a little off of our route and went to the Grand Canyon. Neither of us had ever been, so we were excited to go, but it was F.R.E.E.Z.I.N.G!!! We ended up just jumping out of the car, taking a quick picture, then getting back on the road. 

Next (and final) stop- Vegas! My college town! 

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