Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lexi in 3D

We decided last minute to get a 3d ultrasound done today. It's been 4 weeks since my last doctor's appointment and because we are in the middle of starting a new job, I won't have medical coverage for another weeks or two. I was so anxious to hear Lexi's heartbeat and make sure she's growing how she should. So I talked my wonderful husband into getting a 3d ultrasound this morning. We called when they opened at 9 and we scheduled an appointment for 1030! So exciting!

She was squirming a lot and hiding her face in her placenta. She's such a stinker! But it was great to see her sweet face and hands, watch her practice swallowing, and even see a perfect outline of all 4 chambers of her heart!

New life is such a miracle!

Sweet, smiley girl!

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