Sunday, February 5, 2012

18 weeks!

***Edit- I wrote this post 2 days ago as we were getting ready to leave NC, and we are now in Oklahoma City. This is the first time I've had Internet strong enough to post this blog. Ugh. But we're in our hotel now and watching the Super Bowl so I'm a happy girl. And we're halfway home!***

This week has been full of packing, organizing, and living in our house like we were camping. We are now out of our house and heading to California!! I'll be blogging about the trip whenever I have internet access, so stay tuned throughout the next week. We are stopping in some big cities and fun places!

Miss Lexi is now 18 weeks along. She weighs about 7 ounces and is about 6 inches long. We had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Her heartbeat was very strong! Everything from my ultrasound and my blood work came back good, and I got the okay to be in the car for the next 7 days. I just had to promise to take lots of breaks so that I don't develop any clots in my legs. Not a problem for this pregnant woman. My bladder wouldn't allow anything different!

I apologize for the quality of pictures this week. I don't have the cord to connect my camera to my computer, so I had to use the iPad instead. As much as I love my iPad, its camera is not the greatest!

Here we are this morning on our way out the door

And here's my silly boy with his big bag of cereal (snack for the road trip)

Pray for us over this next week and as we start this adventure into a new chapter of our life!


  1. I hope you enjoy your travels! Going across the country with a young child and one in the womb sounds like a task, but I'm sure you'll have fun if you're stopping in big cities!

  2. You look so cute! Have a great trip!
