Thursday, January 12, 2012

Show Us Your Life- Military Families

I'm linking up with Kelly today for her Show Us Your Life series. Today's topic is Military Families, and I figured that it was a good time to finally link up with her.

Here is our story-
My husband and I have known each other our whole lives. Our parents went to college together and we grew up hanging out with each other. His sister is my age, so he was always the annoying older brother! Fast forward some years, he joined the Army in 2004, then deployed to Iraq in August 2006. His mom emailed me and said that I should get in touch with him so that we could be pen pals while he was overseas. Well, one thing led to another and soon we fell in love... across the world from each other! He came home for leave at Christmas and we got engaged, then he headed back to Iraq until October. We got married 2 months later on New Year's Eve.
Iraq homecoming

Our wedding day

As for our military life, we have been at Fort Bragg in North Carolina for the last 4.5 years. His job has allowed us to stay in one place, which has been such a blessing!. We've been through a few short deployments to Haiti and Thailand, and another long one to Afghanistan.
Afghanistan deployment day


For those who already read my blog, you know that we are getting out of the Army in a few weeks. However, these last 5 years of military life have changed me, in the best possible way. The sisterhood of military wives, learning how to be a single mom when duty calls, turning friends into family, figuring out how to be strong when you have nothing left. These are just a few of the things that I take with me as we step out into the civilian world. 

Wish us luck!


  1. We were at Pope AFB for 3 years (when it was still an AF base!) and left in 2008. Two of our babies were born at Ft. Bragg. :) Congratulations on your separation and may God bless your family in the next season of life!

  2. Stopping by from Kelly's Korner. Sweet pics. Good luck with the next phase of your lives :)
