Monday, January 9, 2012

Guest Post- Our Little Almanac

Today I have a guest post for you guys! It's from Kendra at Our Little Almanac. Enjoy!

Hello fellow friends of Jenna's. Isn't Jenna lovely? She and I have known each other since high school and it has been fun to keep up with each other's lives thereafter via the blogosphere.

I could introduce myself by stating my name and where I'm from, but let's make it a bit more of an introduction, shall we? Here's a bit about me: I hate the crust on bread, I can eat a rittersport in about 1 minute and if practicing patience maybe it'll last two, I'm self conscious of my hips, I'm an organizational nutcase, I am a Sprinkles Cupcake fanatic, I have 4 ongoing journals to document all the thoughts that fill up my brain, my husband and I have a secret language, I am super frugal but don't like to sacrifice sophistication for tacky and I am a mother to the most beautiful baby girl, Evelyn. Sadly she turns one in a month and I can't call her a "baby" anymore so I'm throwing that word out there as long as I can! I love to write about my experiences as a new mother, our travels far and wide, things I cook, things that I think make me artsy and a whole lot of in-between stuff. And my name is Kendra but my siblings call me Hen.

Jenna asked if I would write something about my new year resolutions. I blogged some of my fun trivial ones here the other day, although they are very serious in my eyes :) However, if there is one thing this life has taught me it is to take advantage of every little moment. The title of my blog is "Our Little Almanac." I thought it was rather fitting because within it's "pages," if you will, is a small chronicling of our happenings each year - some are huge momentous occassions and others are small things that at the time seem insignificant when in fact those became the things that mattered most. This year it is my resolution to be more grateful. I have made it a goal to write down 5 things every day that humble me. Whether it be toothpaste for my teeth, a man holding a door open for me or an email from a friend, I know that God works in small ways to brings us the greatest amount of happiness. So I guess that is my thought for you. To be more grateful.

"Let a spirit of Thanksgiving guide and bless your days and nights. Work at it. You will find it will yield wonderful results." 
- Gordon B. Hinckley 

May 2012 be a blessed year for you all! And please feel welcome to stop by here and say hello!

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