Saturday, January 21, 2012


I helped out a friend this morning and watched her two kiddos while she went to the dentist. Jax and Adam love each other and always have tons of fun playing together. Jordan just likes to tag along to whatever they are doing.

I had been meaning to save an egg carton to make caterpillars, and I finally remembered to do it last week. I decided it would be a perfect craft to make with the boys this morning. I got out some stickers, markers, and pipe cleaners. They boys decorated their caterpillars then we added antennae, legs, and a face to each one.

While they were decorating, I read them The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They had lots of fun decorating their caterpillars and comparing them to the one from the book. It's hard to keep 2-year-olds occupied with crafts, but this was a good one. They were both very proud of how they turned out!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, he is so proud, too cute. You are a fun mom, I am not crafty so doing crafts with the kids was good for me, they never cared how bad I messed up.
