Friday, January 27, 2012

17 weeks!

This week was a very fun week in pregnancy news! In case you missed it (here), we are having a baby girl!! 

A little background about Lexi Nicole's name.... there isn't any. Ha! We had a girl name picked out during Jax's pregnancy, which we thought we would save for whenever we had a girl. Once I got pregnant this time, I started second guessing it and found another name that I loved. Ryan liked it but wasn't convinced. Then just a few weeks ago we found another name that we both liked, and I thought we had settled on. Then my dear husband decided he wasn't convinced about that one either. He's picky about names.. ugh! Last night, after we found out she was a girl and we would FOR SURE be needing to choose a girl name, I suggested Lexi. He loved it! I still loved the name we chose a few weeks ago, so we gave Jax the final decision. I asked him a few different times throughout yesterday evening and this morning which name he liked, and he said Lexi each time. So Lexi it is! And Nicole is my middle name, so we knew that would be her middle name from the beginning. 

Our ultrasound was great yesterday. I always love getting ultrasounds... what mom doesn't?! We got tons of pictures to put in her pregnancy journal, which I love to look back on as she gets bigger. She is measuring right on track and is 6 ounces, or half a pound! This coming week she is getting her waxy coating (vernix) that protects her skin from the amniotic fluid until she is born. All the cartilage in her body is forming into bone, and she is starting to store fat and gain some weight. Which means that I am too. Eek!

Side note: I swear that while I'm pregnant, my body saves every.single.calorie that enters my body. Not cool.

Here is my 17 week picture
 I have definitely noticed my belly growing this week, which is kind of fun!

Here's the comparison with Jax
I think that I just look rounder this time around... and not just in my belly. Ha!

And just for fun, here is a little progression collage of my pregnancy so far

 It's also a progression of the length of my hair... since I haven't had it cut since July. Oh, I cannot wait to get back to California!

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