Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This week has been pretty uneventful. Just the usual church on Sunday, Mommies Group on Tuesday, gymnastics tomorrow (Thursday). Ryan went back to work today for the first time since his surgery almost a month ago. It was weird to have him gone! But, he has a 4-day weekend for Veterans Day so that will be nice. I get to celebrate my handsome Veteran and all the sacrifices he has made to serve his country and provide for our family!

Jax is funny and cute as always. He's really into saying "I can help" with everything we do. He also asks "what that do, Mommy?" about everything he sees. He's such a curious and smart little guy.

Here's some proof :)

Guitar playing!

Shaving with Daddy (He uses the toothpaste tube. Excuse the sleepy eyes!)

My guys watching TV. Boys will be boys!

Playing in the toddler section at Monkey Joe's.

Such a lover-bug!

Wearing Mojo's Halloween dress as a... Hat? Scarf? I'm not sure! Ha!

Eating VEGETABLES! With chopsticks! I was amazed at how well he used them (the kid ones) and even more amazed that my child who refuses to eat any vegetables actually ate mushrooms, zucchini and broccoli! What the?!

And finally, here's the cute fall wreath I made. I LOVE how it turned out!

I'm off to finish watching the CMA's. Happy Wednesday!

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