Saturday, August 13, 2011

Swimming Lessons at the Pool

I have been trying to get Jax into swimming lessons on post (Ft. Bragg) since June. For one reason or another, it just hadn't worked out. I accidentally signed him up for the wrong one, then had to cancel it. Then we had visitors the next month. Then I missed the sign-ups and the class was full.

A few weeks ago, I finally got him registered! We had almost missed it again... he was the first person on the wait list, but thankfully someone dropped out. I swooped in and picked up their spot as soon as I saw it was available.

It is 30 minutes twice a week for 4 weeks.
We are halfway done and so far it has been a lot of fun!

I've been putting Jax in the pool and under the water since he was just a few months old. I know that it's the best way help kids feel comfortable in water as they grow.

I'm so happy that Jax is old enough to learn actual pool skills
and really enjoy himself while he's swimming!!


  1. So cute!! I took Emerson to some when she was younger but since I have Ansley now it is too much!!

  2. The moment i saw the pictures, it made me want to go to the pool now.

  3. How fun!!!! I wanted to sign Peanut up for some newborn swim lessons, but with the days busy as they are it just never happened :(
