Sunday, January 30, 2011

Three (toddler-y) Musketeers

Mary, Danielle and I decided last week that we should get our boys together to play and do some Valentine's Day stuff. So last night we headed over to Mary's house and the kids had a BLAST! We let them play, ordered pizza, let them do some stickers and coloring, frosted cookies and then ended the night with an impromptu bath to clean off the stickiness. These three boys really have the best time together. I often pray that they will grow up to be good friends who can support each other, lean on each other and be good influences on each other!!

Jax always has to hug his friends. And Max does too. So they basically wouldn't let go of each other. Ha! Ben wanted to join in the fun :)

This picture is a keeper for when they grow up!

Of course Jax had to lick all the frosting off his cookie

Notice how each of them has their hand in their mouth. It was near impossible to get a picture with more than one of them smiling. Although Ben and Max are smiling in this one, Jax is more focused on his sugar intake. He's nothing like his mama *wink*

Group shot- taken with the self timer. And set to take 5 pictures in a row. We did this about 4 times. We got 2 good ones :)

The boys were covered in pink frosting so we threw them all in the tub. Of course, they were splashing and playing and having a grand ol' time. I love this picture.

Jax- splashing. Max- thinks it's funny. Ben- not so sure.

Aren't these three boys are just too cute for words?!

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