Wednesday, November 17, 2010

3 Musketeers

As most of you know, Jax has two good friends who were both born in June 2009. Jax is the oldest (by 8 days) born on the 3rd, Max was born on the 11th and Ben was born on the 30th. Max and Ben's mommies and I have been enjoying opportunities to let the boys play together. Last week, I ended up watching both of them for an afternoon. They are really getting to the age where they are starting to play together and they do so well! They were so cute sharing their toys, binkies and juices. I did make sure that they weren't actually swapping any spit. Ha! I didn't get any pictures of all three of them because Ben slept most of the afternoon, then Max left before he woke up. Maybe I'll get some pictures of all 3 next time, but I still got some cute ones of each of them!

Max reading a book all by himself :)

Jax and Ben drinking their matching juice. Ha!

"Here's your binky, Jax"

Ha! Max wasn't actually elbowing Jax... but I sure caught a funny picture!

Handsome Ben!

Ben sharing his lovey with Jax

Cool Dude
I hope we can get these 3 together again soon... they sure do make a cute trio :)

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