I didn't take any pictures when we went to the hospital after Jax ran into our grill two weeks ago. It (obviously) wasn't really on my mind to document this event. But, I ended up taking him back two days later because I could tell his cut had re-opened and I wasn't sure if the skin glue/bandage needed replacing. This was while my mother-in-law was in town so she came with me and took some pictures. We were there for probably 25 minutes total and Jax was in a great mood, so it was an easy trip. And the doctor decided that taking the bandage off would cause more damage than just leaving it on and letting it close on its own. The tape finally came off a few days ago and now all that's left is a little skin glue (that's stuck in his eyebrow :-/) and a nicely-healed scab/scar.
I'm sure this is just the first of MANY more trips to the ER for cuts/scrapes/bruises/broken bones. Lord, protect my little daredevil as he grows!